Universal Yoga
200HR Teacher Training
with Andrey Lappa
Part One: Feb 3 - Feb 16 2024
Part Two: March 23 - April 5 2024
Andrey Lappa, founder of Universal Yoga System
Andrey Lappa is a celebrated yoga master with world-wide credentials having practiced, studied and taught yoga for almost 40 years. He is the creator of the Universal Yoga System and many of the arm asanas now commonly seen throughout the world. He was the first yoga practitioner to emerge from the post-soviet era (Ukraine) that studied extensively with both BKS Iyengar, K. Pattabhi Jois, and the many yoga-masters who prefer to remain off the world-stage.
Andrey Lappa is one of the most qualified and influential masters and professional teachers of yoga. All his life he traveled and lived a long time in eastern countries: Mongolia, India, Nepal, Burjatia, Siberia and others, where he developed skills with world known teachers such is B.K.S. Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois, as well as learned from concealed from general attention but unusually vigorous ezotheric-practitioners. Andrey is also a skillful engineer and he has designed programs for teaching yoga which have proven to be very useful for his many students and drive to the ultimate strength and flexibility in the shortest time.
What is Universal Yoga?
Universal Yoga s a multi-faceted yoga system with the goal of spiritual growth and liberation. To achieve this goal, Universal Yoga employs traditional yogic methods and techniques, from the rich philosophical heritage of Hinduism, Buddhism, Tantra, and combines with modern science. The system is suitable for any practitioner seeking to become conscious of and liberated from their behaviors and individual patterns. This individual evolution is used to influence change within and then in the individual’s surrounding environment
Universal Yoga is a system based on the idea of the mayakoshas (sheaths of the self) that the physical, energetic, emotional, psychological, intellectual, bliss and karmic layers. The Universal Yoga System teaches the yogic methods that enable any practitioner to create control and balance on each sheath, between the sheaths themselves and between the sheaths of the practitioner and surrounding space (world, environment, other people). There are distinct practices related to each sheath/shell that can be specialized and individuated for any level or practice or any purpose of development.
What does Universal Yoga practice bring to your life?
Regular practice of Universal Yoga and Mandala in particular will change your life. You will be more conscious, leading you to a state of inner happiness. You will learn to use samadhi (equality) state of your consciousness in future as a result of your self-control. The yoga will be done by you not only on your mat mat at every moment of your life, perfecting a mastership of your existence.Discover the full effects of dynamic, intelligent asana sequencing combined with pranayama, mudra, mantra, and visualizations.Deepen your practice in the most profound way as you experience the effect that true balance can create in the body, mind and spirit!
Universal Yoga offers simplifications and modifications to suit students of all levels of experience. One of the biggest benefits of Universal Yoga is that it’s adaptable, when some styles of yoga just aren’t accessible to many people. Instead, Andrey has designed a style of yoga that is firmly rooted in tradition, yet fluid enough to be customized to any level of expertise, age, or state of health. Yoga should be something accessible, yet challenging, but certainly not exclusive. Universal Yoga is for everyone, from the total beginner to the extremely advanced practitioner of yoga, so long as the student is willing to transform the entire being and experience oneness.
Who can practice Universal Yoga?
While for this training we ask for 3+ moths of yoga experience, Universal Yoga is for everyone.
Universal Yoga offers simplifications and modifications to suit students of all levels of experience. One of the biggest benefits of Universal Yoga is that it’s adaptable, when some styles of yoga just aren’t accessible to many people. Instead, Andrey has designed a style of yoga that is firmly rooted in tradition, yet fluid enough to be customized to any level of expertise, age, or state of health. Yoga should be something accessible, yet challenging, but certainly not exclusive. Universal Yoga is for everyone, from the total beginner to the extremely advanced practitioner of yoga, so long as the student is willing to transform the entire being and experience oneness.
SolarYou Yoga offers classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners on regular schedule and you are welcome to join us at any time prior to this training to experience Universal Yoga and get familiar with poses and alignment.
EARLY BIRD $500 OFF FULL TRAINING (prior to November, 25 2024): $4470
*includes 1 month free access to the studio prior to the training, mat storage for the time of the training
FULL PRICE (after November, 25 2024): $4970
ONE PART: $2600
REPEATING CERTIFIED STUDENTS (full training): 25% OFF ($3730) before November 25 and $3990 after that
REPEATING CERTIFIED STUDENTS (one part): 25% OFF ($1950) before November 25 and $2200 after that
PRACTICE ACCESS ONLY: $125 (per session) or $1140 for 10 sessions
CERTIFICATION: An additional $140 is required for examination, grading, and certification process for each level
Training structure
Transformation starts here. We, SolarYou Yoga team, offer Universal Yoga as a heart practice at the studio. We are happy to offer you an opportunity to immerse into sacred practice and philosophy of yoga with us.
Be clear, be open and be curious. Let the training program unravel your potential in physical and energetical practice and expand your knowledge about yoga.
Shiva Nata (Dance of Shiva) 8-9am
3 HR practice 9:15 - 12:`15pm
Lunch break
Lecture 1:15 - 6pm (with breaks)
2 yoga mats*
paper journal and a pen
*we offer rental mats or mats for purchase in studio
**avoid nuts or heavy fatty food to make your asana practice joyful
Segmentation and categorization of yoga asanas, including reconstruction of complex asanas with anatomical understanding
Advanced Vinyasa sequencing principles based on complexity of postures and logical progression
Deep Stretching asanas based on human ranges of mobility as described in Universal Yoga
Foundations of Universal Yoga (R) and sub-styles of asanas
Principles and applications of adjustments based on alignments and energetics
Sequencing techniques based on orientation on mat and developing psychic-energetic states in practitioners
Pranayamas and breath techniques based on Himalayan Yoga
Shiva Nata (R) Level 1 methods and practices
Single and Double mat Mandala Vinyasa Sequencing
Teaching Pranayamas and Bandhas within a yoga class, according to Universal Yoga
Single and multisector posture creation and alignment techniques and practicum
Advanced Yoga philosophy and decoding cornerstone Yoga texts
Cultivation of Tantrayana, Mantrayana, and Yantrayana practices
Meditation for teaching and personal practices
Shiva Nata (R) Level 2 methods and practices
More than 50% of studio classes at SolarYou Yoga are Universal Yoga classes.
We offer beginner, intermediate and advanced classes that we invite you to attend to prepare for the training.
We also offer Deep Stretch classes that are based on the Universal Yoga poses and that help you both learn the alignment and open up your body.
In addition, we offer complimentary HIIT (interval training) sessions to gain muscle strength and endurance to support your yoga journey.
Our students love Universal Yoga!
Most of our students started their yoga journey with us with no prior yoga or athletic experience. And we are excited to see their growth and be a part of their transformation through Universal Yoga classes.
Let them inspire you, too!