Yoga Basics Program
June 7 - June 27
SCOPE: 9 classes 105 min each; 15.75 hours of practice and theory
PRICE: $396
Вы давно хотели попробовать занятия йогой? Вы уже посещали классы и хотите углубить знания асан (поз) и дыхательных практик? Тогда программа Yoga Basics - для вас!
Вы получаете 9 занятий, 15.75 часов практики, 60 асан, 3 базовые дыхательные техники, основы концентрации и медитации, введение в йога-философию. Даже если вы никогда и ничем не занимались, вы освоите курс. Это - самая длительная программа по введению в йогу для новичков в нашей области.
Вы научитесь практиковать йогу с соблюдением основных принципов травмобезопасности. На занятиях вы узнаете правила отстройки поз, освоите базовые комплексы виньяса йоги, простые дыхательные, релаксационные и медитативные техники.
Курс также включает в себя уникальные асаны для работы суставами рук и плеч по методике Андрея Лаппа (данные асаны преподают только те, кто у него сертифицирован). А также виньясы на все стороны тела (не только abdominal down vinyasa).
Каждое практическое занятие сопровождается рассказом о важных элементах йоги. С собой нужно хорошее настроение и готовность меняться. Если у вас нет коврика, мы предоставляем коврики в аренду.
Также мы приглашаем тех, кто уже практиковал йогу, и интересуется глубоким пониманием геометрии поз и дыхательных практик, чтобы вывести свою практику на следующий уровень.
В наших классах я даю множественные варианты каждой позы для любого уровня подготовки. Также даются домашние задания :)Классы проходят в понедельник, среду 7:45PM и пятницу 7:30PM c 7-го по 27 июня.
Возможна группа на время понедельник 12PM, среда и пятница 9:45AM при наборе минимального количества участников.
Irina Novikova is a former Microsoft Program Manager with 12 years of experience in the tech industry. During her time working in the corporate world Irina discovered and embraced the transformative benefits of a committed yoga practice. Irina spent countless hours working at a desk and during that time found that yoga helped bring the benefits of movement and health into her life.
Irina knows what does it mean to not being able to reach toes or come up to wheel, and suffer from low back pain and tide hamstrings. No wonder that posture, alignment, joint safety are her primary focus along with healing breath. Irina grew up overseas and lived in 4 countries. She always loved dancing but had to follow a different path to provide for the family. However, passion for movement never left her alone and over time she notices that she silently repeats instructions after her teachers and pictures herself being a teacher. At the age of 33 she left software industry to become a yoga teacher. Irina loves seeing her students grow! She offers a few stages of asana so everyone has something to work on. She challenges her students to look inwards to discover the best parts of their personality and shine them out to the world.
Irina is a certified 200E-RYT, 500-RYT, RPYT with the Yoga Alliance with additional Yin,, Restorative and Prenatal Teacher Trainings taught by West Coast leading yoga teachers like Ali Valdez, Lisa Black, Jodi Boone, and Colette Crawford. Irina is 300hr Certified Baptiste Lead Additional depth to her classes comes from Ana Forrest Advanced Teacher training taken in 2018.
In 2018 Irina completed teacher training with world famous teacher Andrey Lappa and her heart was fully dedicated to his system of Universal Yoga. That was the moment when Irina got a dream to offer this practice to Eastside community. In 2019 just two months prior to giving birth to her son, Irina rented a wonderful space that was built into a yoga studio called SolarYou Yoga. In her personal practice and in her current teaching, Irina studies, practices and teaches classes inspired by the Universal Yoga system to become conscious of and liberated from their behaviors and individual patterns. Irina believes that personal evolution is the only way to influence change within and then in the surrounding environment. Now Irina is aiming to share the art of yoga and healthy lifestyle with the Seattle and Eastside communities!.
Our students love Universal Yoga!
Most of our students started their yoga journey with us with no prior yoga or athletic experience. And we are excited to see their growth and be a part of their transformation through yoga and workout classes with us.
Let them inspire you, too!